Trump from 2017 to 2019. A depended on confidante of case examine answer President, Sarah recommended him on every little thing from press and communications approach to personnel and policy. For two and a half years, Sarah was at case examine answer President’s side, fighting with case study solution media, working with lawmakers and CEOs, and staffing case examine answer President on each foreign trip, adding dozens of conferences with overseas leaders. Sarah is simply case look at answer third woman and case examine solution very first mom to ever hold case study answer job of White House Press Secretary. Upon her departure from case examine answer administration, President Trump defined Sarah as “irreplaceable,” a “warrior” and “very particular adult with mind-blowing knowledge, who has done a fantastic job. ”An early supporter of President Trump, Sarah joined case examine answer Trump campaign as a senior consultant in February 2016 right through case look at answer Republican primary, and persisted in that role via case study solution President’s defeat of Hillary Clinton, considered one of case examine answer greatest and most sudden victories in American historical past.