They brought together Rob Kuty, who works with Helen Woodward below his company, San Diego Pet Training, and formerly trained Charger as a pup transitioning from case examine solution preserve to case examine solution Snyders?home. And discovering their videographer was somewhat serendipitous ?after months of looking, case study solution Snyders discovered on a five day trip to case study solution Grand Canyon that a family family member who was there, Kevin Miller, is both a video editor and Rancho Santa Fe resident. Since there?s $1 million on case examine answer desk for case study answer winner of case examine solution contest, case examine answer Snyders made a deal with Kuty and Miller ?split it 3 ways if they win. So far, case examine solution advertisement, called ?Crossword Charlie,?has been well got. It?s gotten more than 1,000 views on Facebook and it?s among films with case study solution maximum scores given by case examine solution agency. But case examine answer largest key to their fulfillment is getting case study solution most votes from case look at solution public, and case examine solution commercials might be up for balloting on case look at answer contest?s Facebook page throughout case examine solution month of January, as well as via Xbox Live.