Post Modern and Classical Contemporarystyles of furnishings have loved immensepopularity for case study solution past quarter of acentury. But today, with falling oil pricesand case find out about answer resultant financial resurgency,the existing fashion is a revival of Mid CenturyModern Furniture. History almostrepeating itself!80 | AUGUST 2018AbraxasCommdesignThe‘ManhattanArmchair’,manufacturedby K2India isplaced in oneof its livingspaces intheir Studiotogetherwith case find out about solution noted‘Shell Chair’,designed byHans Wegnerin 1963. AbraxasComm AUGUST 2018| 81designFive newarmchairs, allpart of case study answer recentmanufactureof K2India,showcase thesophisticationof mid centuryfurniture. The ‘RelaxoArmchairs’ area witty take onLutyens’ famousNapoleonicchairs, designedin case find out about solution midcentury style byK2IndiaThe ‘Brooklyn Desk’ is a newedition in K2India’s collectionof their Mid Century Modernfurniture line. Sunita Kohli is President, K2India andChairperson, School of Planning andArchitecture, Bhopal. “Because scalp hair can seize advice about how cortisol levels have modified through the years, hair evaluation gives us a much better tool for comparing that risk. “The examine measured cortisol degrees in a group of 283 neighborhood home senior citizens among case look at solution ages of 65 and 85. Participants were randomly selected from a huge inhabitants primarily based cohort study. Using 3 centimeter long hair samples taken from near case study solution scalp, researchers were in a position to measure cortisol levels from a 3 month period. People with high cortisol levels were more probably to have a history of coronary middle sickness, stroke, peripheral arterial disease or diabetes. “The data showed a clear link among chronically elevated cortisol levels and cardiovascular disease,” said case examine answer study’s other lead writer, Elisabeth van Rossum, MD, PhD, of Erasmus MC.